Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pokemon Go & AR

The Atlantic - "Imagination in the Augmented-Reality Age"

"Pokémon Go, for all its novelty and nostalgia and fun, was never meant to be the pinnacle of AR gaming; it is simple and has little objective aside from “catching ‘em all.” What Pokémon Go is, however, is one of the first iterations of what will undeniably be many more AR games. If done right, some say the technology Go introduced to the world could bring back the kind of outdoor, creative, and social forms of play that used to be the mainstay of childhood. Augmented reality, it stands to reason, could revitalize the role of imagination in kids’ learning and development.

Devon Lyon, a media producer based in Portland, Oregon, who has given talks about the relationship between AR and imagination, describes AR technology as the merging of video games and make-believe play.* Now 42 years old, Lyon describes his childhood in Salem, Oregon, in the 1980s as one full of bike-riding and imaginative play with friends. Imaginative play is a form of role-playing in which kids reinterpret real-life experiences and act out fantasies—the ground turns to lava, the treehouse becomes a castle tower, fairies and monsters live in the woods. Sometimes everything is invisible; sometimes toys are used as props—stuffed animals having a tea party, for example. This kind of play, it turns out, is an important building block in child development: Research shows that in creating the experience themselves, kids learn all sorts of skills that come in handy later in life, such as problem-solving and being inventive."

BuzzFeed - "Holy Shit Guys, Pokémon Go Is So Good For Your Mental Health"

100 Years of Olympics Logos

AIGA - "On a Scale from 1-100, Milton Glaser Rates Every Single Olympic Logo Design in History"

Stranger Things

Monday, August 8, 2016


July 21, 2017
Written & Directed by Christopher Nolan
Starring Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, Cillian Murphy