Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Carlos Boozer-Prince Renter Story

ESPN - Carlos Boozer Admires Prince's Spirit

"Chicago Bulls forward Carlos Boozer once rented his Beverly Hills house to Prince..."

""Supposedly, Prince changed the front gate to the Prince sign, he changed the master bedroom to a hair salon, he changed the streaming blue waters that led to the front door to purple water, he knocked out walls, he changed the molding on top of the ceiling. Booz was livid. So pissed off, so angry ... He put his Purple Rain stamp on it ... Booz was like, 'I was getting ready to go over there and beat this little man down.' And dude was just like 'Here, Boozer, here is a little check for about a million, it'll take care of everything, get it back the way you want it.' And Booz was like , 'This little man is cool as hell.'"

1 comment:

r.eamonn.s said...
