With a team of technology industry innovators,
- Sebastian Thrun, "one of the world’s top robotics and artificial intelligence experts, who teaches computer science at Stanford and invented the world’s first driverless car"
- Andrew Ng "another Stanford professor, who specializes in applying neuroscience to artificial intelligence to teach robots and machines to operate like people"
- Johnny Chung Lee "a specialist in human-computer interaction" who "came to Google X from Microsoft this year after helping develop Microsoft’s Kinect, the video game player that responds to human movement and voice"
- Household items connected to the Internet such as refrigerators, garden planers, coffee pots and lightbulbs so that they could be controlled by your computer or mobile device
- Driverless cars ("Unimpressed by the innovative spirit of Detroit automakers, Google now is considering manufacturing them in the United States")
- And, an elevator to outer space. Yes, a space elevator.
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