Sports Illustrated journalist and columnist Joe Posnanski subjectively/objectively ranked the 10 Best Major League Baseball hitters of all-time.
10) Mickey Mantle
9) Ty Cobb (Freemason)
8) Jimmie Foxx
7) Albert Pujols
6) Stan Musial
5) Roger Hornsby
4) Lou Gehrig
3) Barry Bonds
2) Ted Williams
1) The Great Bambino
this list is incomplete without pete rose. I didn't click the link or anything (cause i should be figuring out my classes schedule not looking at this), but it's ridiculous that he isn't on it. He's only the best hitter of all time regardless of his gambling.
Posnanski's ranked Rose #23 all-time, but you're right he did have a disposition against him because of the gambling.
damn how you gonna put my boy Roberto's picture up and he's not even on the list?!
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